Halachot of Tisha Bov


 For the first time in a couple of years we will be eating a Seuda Hamfseket. After one finishes his pre Tisha Bov meal he should take an egg and a bagel or piece of bread dipped in ashes and sit low and eat it in solitude.  Only one cooked food is allowed. However, there is absolutely no need to injure oneself by sitting low or cause yourself pain or potentially cause oneself issues further down the line. An alternative solution would be to put something uncomfortable under one’s seat. This restriction is lifted at Chatzos  (1:27 PM)

Only those who are healthy enough should be fasting. MEDICATIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN AS NORMAL UNLESS A DOCTOR HAS SAID ITS OK TO MISS A DAY.  If one needs one can take it with less than 38 cc of water.  Swallowing medication does not invalidate the fast as it’s not considered a food item.

In addition, we also refrain from washing our bodies, anointing ourselves with oils and perfumes. engaging in marital relations and wearing leather footwear. However, if one becomes dirty one can wash that part even with soap. Rabbi Shachter has ruled that people can continue regularly washing and sanitizing their hands as often as they do on a regular day.  Deodorant may be applied as usual. 

We do not greet each other on Tisha Bov. This applies to zoom as well.

Jewellery including nice timepieces should not be worn on Tisha B’ov. This is the same for both men and women. Wedding bands may be worn.

Eicha and Kinnot can be recited without a minyan. Eicha should be said at night and repeated during the day. No blessing is recited on it. 

Tallis and Tefillin are not worn in the morning but are donned in the afternoon for Mincha. 

Tachanun is omitted all day. Lamnatsaiach is also omitted. We omit the verse’ v ani zos brisi’ in uvoh l’tzion in the morning after ashrei. 

One should not do anything that takes one’s mind away from the state of morning for a prolonged period of time. This can include listening to the radio watching television or indeed reading a book at least until midday.  I understand that morning on Tisha b’ov is not easy as we don’t really appreciate what we are missing and what we are mourning about. However, in the same way as people go and visit people during shiva and just sit there and just show that they care and show that they are supporting the people through the tragedy, that’s how we should view this day to Hashem. We should come onto the zoom Kinnot and other zoom events even if we are bored and don’t know what’s going on just to show Him that we care. We want to show Him that we feel for Him in what He’s missing in the world without His holy Temple. The Temple was the focal point for belief in Hashem and for his blessings to enter this world. Without the Temple the world has descended into atheism or at least not true belief in Hashem. This year we can focus on Shuls being closed. We can think about the once thriving populated Shuls sitting desolate. A shul is called a ”miniature sanctuary’. Think of the Torah scrolls gathering dust. Perhaps Hashem is waiting till after Tisa b’ov to remove this virus so we can use it as a tool to mourn for the Beis Hamikdash on Tisha b’ov.

All restrictions on haircuts, shaving, eating meat, drinking wine and swimming are lifted at chatzos on Friday. However, laundering clothes and bathing in honour of shabbos are permitted on Friday morning. There are those who permit shaving and taking a haircut Friday morning if you cannot do so on Friday afternoon. 

May we merit to see with our very own eyes the coming of moshiach or moshiach’s (watch my shiur about it on youtube) and the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash. 


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